Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Why I Start Blogging.....

“Change is constant” my former boss said……

But thinking again how much you are benefited from the change.. Changes that make you better, improve your life… I personally going to several changes but most of the time the change will never result any major improvement in my life

So on 24th Nov 2008 I attend Business Opportunity talk in Legend Hotel, KL. And this is the 1st time in my life I experience a change that will bring something better for me.

Today while I writing on this page I realize I am part of GHBBH syndrome. The syndrome was part of my life since 6 years ago. It is chronic diseases that can KILL you, your loved one and your family.

So yesterday I decided to start doing something my colleague doing for part 3 years….. to cure my GHBBH syndrome